I write this as Rachelle is watching Project Runway, so what better a time to get a few thoughts down. Let's see what's changed? Well I was 'told' we're now having ushers which at first we weren't and then we were and then weren't. I love how fluid decisions are in this whole process. So anyway, I think its great cause we got to incorporate 2 more of my friends in the process. That being Ken Salvatore (Kinsey's husband) and Jason Moy. I'd go into how I know these guys but really its a long boring story. Let's leave it at they're both good friends of mine and Rachelle loves them equally and we're both extremely happy that they're involved. But now they have to work!! HA! What's sad is that we have so many friends and family we still want to get involved but there's only so many spots. Rachelle shot down my idea of having a 20 person bridal party.
Rachelle did a psuedo roll call and it looks like everyone is starting to book at the hotels. Really puts things in perspective as how close this day is coming. Of course how could I forget with Rachelle reminding constantly on how many days we have left. Its exciting to think that all this is gonna come together real soon. Then I look out the window see the 6inches of snow on the ground and I instantly remember, oh yeah, there's still plenty of time.
So this is the only thing I'll say about this because I promised Rachelle I'd shut up about it but our registry is up and on the main website. As the primary cook in this household I'm really exited about a lot of the things she registered for. I say 'she' because I opted out of helping with the registry which as far as I'm concerned is a good thing, but of course now I have no right to comment. Honestly though there's a only a few things on the registry I don't agree with. I said my peace, it started a big broo-ha-ha and we've decided to agree to disagree. But like I said 90% of the registry looks cool with me and I'm excited at the prospect of getting some new 'toys'. I'm a boy and do love new toys.
I don't get showers and I don't mean the ones that involve water, soap and shampoo. I mean bridal showers (or baby showers). I've been to two. The 2nd of which was a couple's shower which was fun mostly because I got drunk with Rachelle's cousins which essentially dulled the pain of boredom but the full fledged one was well...'interesting'. I know what you're thinking. "Andro, why did you go to a bridal shower". Honestly I didn't want to go but I did it in support of the groom who last minute asked me. My favorite take away from the experience was watching the groom hold up a set of towels he and his future wife got and then pretend like this was the coolest thing he'd ever gotten. Classic.
Anyway, I bring this all up because my mom and sister are throwing Rach a shower in February. My mom invited me and I immediately laughed that notion off. You can't pay me to be there..seriously. I know as the groom its my 'responsibility' to show up at the end and help bring home gifts but that's the extent of my appearance I promise. Its not that I don't want to be a good sport but I think we'll all agree that that's a women thing and I don't think I can handle that much estrogen.
Speaking of high doses of estrogen. For said bridal shower, Rachelle of course invited her mom, her maid of honor/cousin (Tine), her cousin's mom (Aunt J), and her sister-in-law (Christine). I expected nothingless. What I didn't expect was that they would ALL be staying at our 2-bedroom condo. 5 women + our dog = CHAOS! Needless to say I will not be staying at my place that weekend. I think I'm a bit too old to be crashing slumber parties and I can already hear the incessant giggling. I'm sure the girls will have a great time, I just fear I'll come home to a dog covered in bows and nail polish.
One last thing before I sign off. This is non-wedding related but infinitely more exciting. I'M GONNA BE AN UNCLE!! I've known for a while but was sworn to secrecy but my sister Mae and her husband Brett will be welcoming their first child this spring. This is such a wonderful blessing for our family and Rachelle and I are so excited to welcome a new addition. If you see my mom, ask her about it. I guarantee you won't see a woman smile as brightly as she does when she talks about being a Lola. I won't say anymore because I don't want to steal anymore of Mae's thunder. However if you want to hear more about it here's the link to her blog where I'm sure she'll be happy to keep you informed.
That's all from me. Hope everyone is doing well and I'll chat with you soon.