Last week we moved Isaac from the bassinet to his crib. He looked way too big for the bassinet, but now he looks too small for the crib. Oh well! He's been enjoying his puppy mobile, and capturing this video was a good excuse for me to start using my Flip camcorder (love it!).
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
One month
I can't believe it, but Isaac just hit the one month mark and that means I've managed to survive 30+ days of middle of the night feedings (like right now as I try to rock Ike to sleep). It's funny how hard it is (for me at least) to even remember what life was like before he was here, we love him so much. He is the most amazing little man, we are so blessed to have him in our lives.
At his one month doctor checkup, Ike weighed in at 11 lbs 6 oz and measured 22 inches. He is more awake and aware of his surroundings every day and is becoming a lot of fun. He gives me plenty of smiles that totally melt my heart every time. One thing that I've learned about my son, he is a morning person just like me. By 5am, he is bright eyed and ready to start his day.
All in all, we're starting to move from 'surviving' to 'thriving.' It was really tough for me to say goodbye to Momma, but we talk every day and try to get on for video chats as often as possible (which is tough, trying to find any spare moment to talk on the phone or check email is nearly impossible when breastfeeding a baby who loves to eat). Momma will be here again in less than a month for Ike's christening and I'm so anxious for her to see him again and see how much fun he is. I'm also excited for my Daddy to meet little Phillip. I think Ike is going to totally wrap his Grandad around his little finger (just like he's done to everyone else). Ike and my Daddy already have some personality traits in common; both are not fans of crowds and like to be in calm settings with only a few people around--I think the two of them are going to be good buddies as time goes on.
Ah, baby is finally falling asleep so I'm going to wrap this up and get him back in his crib. I've got about an hour and a half left before he's up for his day.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Mr. Personality

Just a few of my favorite photos from our hospital photo shoot when Isaac was 2 days old.
He is now nearly 3 weeks and has changed so much! At his 2 week check up this week he was up to 9lbs 8oz (over his birth weight) and showed the doctor just what a strong little guy he is, pushing himself up on his forearms when the doc put him on his tummy and trying to crawl up the table towards me. I'm going to have my work cut out for me when he gets a little more coordinated, this guy can move. He has started to really use his hands, poor Libby has nearly been hit a few times but she's figuring it out. Our next doctor visit is at 1 month and I'll be interested to see how big he is then, as he is going through a growth spurt right now.
After nearly a month with us, my Mom finally had to return home earlier this week. I miss her a ton, as far as I'm concerned she could never be with us for long enough, but she'll be back for the christening next month and we're trying to coordinate daily video chats (although that can be tough as Isaac either seems to be fussy or asleep when we get online). As much as I miss her, Andro and I are figuring out how to parent without her and that's good for us to do. He's such a sweet little guy, it's not hard (just sleep depriving).
We are all now anxiously awaiting news of the impending arrival of my little niece Isabella (Izzie) Campbell--due on the 10th. Wishing them a quick labor and delivery and all the best of luck during those first few days with a newborn.
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