So to start, this is gonna be long. I've got about 6 days worth of material and many of you I'm sure want to know every detail. So buckle up this is gonna be a long ride.
Well a year of hard work has finally come to fruition and Rachelle and I are married!! Almost everything went off without a hitch but I'll get to that in a second.
My trip started on Wednesday. Rachelle went up 4 days before to start prepping so I had some time to kill with just the dog and my thoughts. However just about everyone who saw me saw a pretty calm an collected normal Andro. The drive up there went really well. I abandoned my original plan of driving up solo, instead opting to bring my 14 year old cousing, Jared. This made my family pretty happy but I did it mostly cause I knew that when I got up there I had some fun waiting for me that I knew he'd enjoy.
Upon arriving and checking into the Seagull Bay I entered my room and saw an immaculate view. My room had a huge patio that overlooked the bay. It was perfect sunny day and the lake was filled with sailboats. That's basically when I finally took a deep breath and took it all in. Rachelle and family picked us up next and we headed over to the island. Upon arriving at the Ashenfelter condo I did the one thing I looked forward to (other then actually getting married). I hopped on one of their Vespa scooters and took it for a spin. Phil with Jared in tow took up the other one and we went for a ride around the island. I tell you what, 40 MPH is faster then you think. Jared had a blast and of course so did I. We called it a night shortly after dinner as I was pretty beat from the drive up. (Mom, next time you want to pawn someone on me for a long drive, can you please make sure he can at least share the driving load?)
Day 2 in Bayfield, started pretty early I picked up Rachelle and left Jared with my inlaws as we got our marriage license. Pretty uneventful except for the monarch that started to cocoon himself as we were filling out the forms. We had a funny conversation with the clerk as to whether I was Pacific Islander or Asian. Its a rather ridiculous argument but as my friends will attest, one that amuses me to no end.
The one thing I noticed about Bayfield up to this point that it was pretty hopping with tourists. I was expecting a sleeply little town, but as I was told it was the height of the tourist season. Well Bayfield didn't know what it was about to get hit with. That afternoon the massess began decending upon this sleepy little town. Let the chaos begin.

That night most of our friends showed up. I promised Rachelle that I wouldn't get drunk at the rehearsal or the wedding, so tonight was my night to let loose and boy did my friends make sure of it. I vaguely remember Rachelle going to bed while I kept on going and going and going. I wasn't Layla's bday drunk, but it was pretty close. I remember sitting on the pier with Nicole chatting about whatever it is we chat about completely surrounded by fog. This was at 3AM. It was pretty surreal.
The next morning the boys and I had a 8AM tee time. I'd lying if I said I wasn't hurting, cause I was. I also didn't find out that till later that afternoon that some 'girl' had called the golf course before I showed up and told the front desk that we were coming and not to let the groom drink. Rachelle swears it wasn't her but no one has owned up to it yet and she had motive. Regardless I wasn't drinking that morning anyway. I could barely see straight my head was throbbing.
But let's talk about the golf. We had 3 groups with me, the twins and Pete in the second. I think we all played like crap but no one cared. Between shots the 4 of us either laughed or marveled at the view. Seriously, I can not put the view from this course to words. Mark brought his camera with him so I'm waiting for him to post some pics but till then lets just leave it at breath taking. The course was on the side of mountain that overlooked the town and the lake. It was a pristine day with the sun out brightening up the bay. I could have spent hours just looking out into that. I think at that point if there was any question of why we were in Bayfield for my wedding it was answered.
After golf and well after I sobered up I spent the rest of the day waiting for the rehearsal to start and welcoming everyone. By this point I couldn't go more then 10 ft in the town without running into someone else I knew. I also ran into my little sister and her new baby Brooklyn. Let me just say this. What a beautiful little girl. Mae and Brett are so lucky to have such a beautiful and healthy little girl. I can't wait to play the part of the cool Uncle and I'm sure Rachelle will smother her with as many gifts as we fight for he affection. But more on this later.
So the rehearsal was pretty uneventful. Rachelle, John (the minister), Michelle and Carol talked about what to do, while I just goofed around (literally). I love my friends and I love even more how they feed into me. When we're all together I honestly feel bad for anyone trying keep some semblance of order. We're all kids at heart and we probably all deserve time-outs.

After the rehearsal we all took the ferry out to the Island for the dinner. The best part about this was seeing everyone take in the ferry ride and the view. I think everyone had a camera in their hands at some point. Walking around the ferry I was so flattered seeing almost everyone I cared for so deeply surrounding me. My friends and family all in one place. This really is the best part of my wedding and the thing I will remember most.
Dinner was great and I couldn't express enough thanks to my parents for putting it together. For never having set foot up here they did a remarkable job organizing. One really funny moment was when Mae asked me if I wanted to hold Brooklyn. Up to this point I had never even held a baby let a lone my little niece. Of course I agreed. The moment I put her in my arms you would have thought it was the kick-off of the Superbowl with all the flash bulbs going off. I guess it was no secret how momentus an occaision this particularly simple occurence was, but it was documented as if it were revolutionary. But through it all I just stared at her little face marveling at the sweetness. Rachelle of course made sure I didn't get used to it as we both know we're not ready for that type of responsibility yet. One thing at a time I suppose.
The other noteworthy thing about the dinner were the speeches. Addam talked about Rachelle and how happy he was that she had found me and his approval. My parents thanked everyone for coming and how happy they were to be here too. Tommy got quite laugh as he quoted "Wedding Crashers". But the speech that meant most to me was Jackie who talked about our unique relationship and what I mean to her. She almost made me cry but I kept it together.
The rest of the night Rachelle called it a night early as she had quite a busy day coming up while the rest of our friends took over the patio bar at the hotel. The patio also has a great view of the lake and offered even more beautiful views. During this time Jackie and I, kept on being...well...Jackie and I. At one point her and I were laughing so hard that we almost fell out of our chairs. I didn't get drunk as I tried to honor my promise to Rachelle but it was fun helping everyone else get to that point.
I got up a bit early the next morning. Actually I hadn't really slept well for about 2 weeks going in to this trip and it continued while up there. Call it anxiety or nerves or just nervous excitement but despite my late nights my body was itching to go as soon as the sun rose. So i walked over to my favorite local breakfast place, The Egg Toss for some quite time. I had intended on just finding a quiet table so I can write a message in this card I got for Rachelle. Got most of it done before Tony and Jackie joined me, then all the Ashenfelters, Addam and his wife Christine, the Carothers, and Phil all showed up. Then came the Tarnawas and the Gomez parents. Needless to say my quiet moment had passed. I finished breakfast and found me a quiet bench looking upon the lake to finish up.
By this point I could feel the repressed anxiety finally kicking it into high gear. It didn't help that there was a large rain cell headed directly for us. To take the edge off I went for a quick run...by quick I mean an hour. Didn't really help but it did get me tired enough to take a nap. Woke up just in time to get ready and notice that the rain was just about to hit. I got the hotel and found my best man Jim. He asked me what I needed. I told him "1) A breathe mint and 2) a glass of scotch" he laughed and asked me what the breathe mint was for? I said "the scotch, of course". What anxiety the run couldn't cure the scotch took care of. But by this point the rain had hit in full force.
Now I wasn't in the room with her for obvious reasons but my sources tell me that Rachelle was a pillar of calm throughout all this. The original plan was to erect a tent in the even to inclement weather, but rain had made the whole park muddy and cold so Rachelle made the call to move it indoors at our reception site. A few logistical changes later and we were good to go. Mother nature was not gonna ruin this day.
So the boys and I lined up, music was queued, guest were seated door opens and there she is. Looking more beautiful then I've ever seen her. There was pool amongst my friends as to whether I'd cry or not. I guess I can admit it now but while everyone was watching Rachelle I ALMOST did, but again held it together. Seeing her though made all the anxiety go away. This was gonna happen and I knew in that moment of peace and clarity that I was making the best decision I had ever made.

We both held it together through the ceremony, even laughing when we had a bit of a hick-up with the sand ceremony. I said my vows staring deeply in her eyes with every word. I couldn't tell you what I said but no one laughed and she didn't cringe so I guess I said everything right.
The reception was perfect. From more then one person I heard it was by far the best wedding they've ever been too. I'm not going to go over every little detail because if you weren't there then that's your own fault :-) but it really was a great party. There was a lot of skeptism about some of the choices we made regarding this wedding. Why Bayfield? Why no DJ? And why a big band. Well if you were in Bayfield this past weekend you'll know why Bayfield and if you were at the party you'll know why we had a big band. Everyone to a person was amazed by our band...shit...even Rachelle and I. They totally rocked...err...swung. How often do you have to kick people out of your wedding at midnight cause they wouldn't stop dancing? I even got a request if would be ok if people started dancing before Rachelle and I had our first dance. And at one point one of the band members told me that they haven't seen that many great dancers at a wedding. It really was awesome.

And the pavillion and food was amazing. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that everyone enjoyed the food given that a bunch of people went up for seconds and we had absolutely no leftovers. I'll get pics up of the inside as soon as I can. I'm bad with cameras and didn't have one on me for most of my trip so I'm relying on everyone else to document.
The other noteworthy event at the reception occurred during the band's 2nd break. Layla asked me to grab Rachelle and join her outside. As we walked out I saw one of her brothers on the pier with a lighter and laughed. The next thing I knew they were launching fireworks into the sky. And not the cheap fireworks that just spin and make noise. I'm talking about the REALLY illegal stuff that you really have to search for to find. Everyone came out to see the show and no one lost any fingers. People did ask us if we paid for this. I laughed and just said...let me introduce you to the Hodi's. It was once again one of the more unique aspects that made our wedding night even more special. However not everyone agreed cause Bayfield PD showed up to put an end to it all. They had received a noise complaint, but we were done anyway. And no...no on got arrested.
So after the wedding Rachelle and I got changed and joined our friends at the hotel bar, which we basically took over. Rachelle wore a "Mrs. Dio" t-shirt which was lettered like the rockstar lettering which Kinsey was able to put together. It was pretty cool. It was great being with my friends watching the party continue. Mae and Brett got pretty tanked, which was awesome since I'm sure they don't get to let loose very much anymore with the new baby. At one point my sister started cheering and leading all the SHS alums in the Stevenson fight song. Ah the silliness. The next thing I know its 3am and they're kicking out of the bar. I guess all good things must come to an end and this was the end of my wedding.
The next morning, Rachelle and I fought off our exhaustion to make the breakfast rounds. We got to say goodbye to most of our families and a couple of our friends. We couldn't be anymore thankful for everyone and sad that they all had to leave. I got to hold Brooklyn one more time before saying goodbye to my pretty hungover sister and Brett.
We relaxed most of the afternoon and Uncle Tim took us out on his boat. This was especially cool since my parents got to come with and experience the fun. My mom had never been on a boat like that and she and Howard got to take in the lake scenery again which I'm sure was pretty nice.
We finally said goodbye to the rest of the Ashenfelter's and Antosik's and its sad to think that with no one getting married soon we all won't get to get together again. Rachelle and I have been pretty spoiled the last few years with how often we got to see both our families but so far nothing big planned on either end. Hopefully soon though.
So that about ends our wedding adventure. Monday morning Rachelle and I packed up a lot of random stuff and set off back to the big city, but this time as husband and wife. I really wish I had my camera on me a bit more cause there were a lot of great picture opportunities, but I was lazy and/or busy. I'm sure the rest of my friends and family will come in in the clutch for me though.
It really was an unbelievable weekend but one I'm glad its over. The best part of a wedding is getting everyone together to celebrate and our wedding was no exception. Everytime I ran into someone and saw how happy they were only heightened my experience. So many people told Rachelle and me how they never would have come up here had it not been for us but there is a good lot of them already planning trips back. Well Rachelle and I already booked our trip for our anniversary next year so if you're reading this and thinking about it....you know where to find us.
So now that the wedding is over I'm not sure what I'll do about this blog. I'll try to post links to pictures as I get them. Maybe I'll start another blog just to keep everyone up to date on us. Or maybe I'll just leave that to Rachelle who's blog is linked off this one.
Thank you to everyone for keeping up with us and all the well wishes. Rachelle and I are nothing w/o our friends and family. Our love is only accentuated by yours and your support and friendship make everyday that much more enjoyable. If I could hug each of you I would...cause I've become quite the hugger these days. Rachelle and I got more then we could have possibly asked for and I've run out of words to express our thanks.
Till next time.