Hey Everyone! Its Libby. Since my dad has been too busy at work for his blog I thought I'd get some things off my chest. I found out some things recently that really make me want to bare my teeth. See my mom and dad are getting married and I found out I don't get to go!!!
Can you believe that? I think its such shit. Yeah that's right, I said shit. This is the thanks I get for everything I do for them. They get to run off on fancy vacations and I hang out in a box? How is that fair? If it wasn't for me those two would never get out of bed. Seriously, I'm not kidding.
And what is this dog of honor BS? Pfft. Apparently the only thing that title buys me is a one way ticket to the pet motel, where I get to look forward to 20 min playtime a day. I bet you Bailey gets to go the wedding, cause everyone LOVES Bailey. So what if she comes when you call her or that she doesn't eat dad's IPod. Whoopty freaking do. I think self-independence is refreshing in this day and age, and frankly Steve Jobs can take a rawhide and stick it...oh wait, here comes mom. I gotta look cute and innocent. Brb.
Man she needs a lot of attention. I wish dad would take a minute away from being a dwarf or gnome or whatever it is he does and calls 'work' and give her some attention. I need a break. There's so many things outside to bark at and so little time to do it.
So mom keeps talking about sending me to a spa while they get married. I'm not sure what that is really but it rhymes with bra and those are fun to chew. She says its gonna be fun and while I'm inclined to believe her, she also keeps taking my toys away and telling me they're going on vacation. Please! I saw you put Fred in the trash after I worked long and hard to get that squeaker out of him. Needless to say trust and mom do not go hand-in-paw at the moment.
All I have to say is when they get back from this wedding they better have one hell of a toy for me or I'm gonna take Grandpa up on his offer to live with him. I bet you he wouldn't abandon me. Plus I'll get to antognize that mini-polar bear they got over there.
Oh and if you're reading this ignore the registry. Mom and dad really don't want plates. They want something furry and squeaky. Trust me on this.
Uh oh, gotta go. Dad just pulled out his baseball and I've been dying to see whats inside that thing.
Libby--language! You've been spending too much time around your father.
Tell you father he owes me 500 dollars.
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