(Baby Dio at 8 weeks)
Andro and I are, unexpectedly but delightedly, 12 weeks pregnant! I found out at exactly 4 weeks, just before Labor Day. We were by no means trying to get pregnant, but a little birth control snafu had me thinking it might be a possibility. It was weird, I've heard of women just knowing that they're pregnant, but I had no idea that I would be one of them. I woke up on a Wednesday morning and just felt different. Pregnancy was lurking in the back of my mind, but I didn't think I really was.
I wanted to be sure, so I bought a test on my lunch break and took it at work. Sure enough, there were 2 lines. The positive line was really, really faint, but it was there. I made it home and broke into tears the minute I saw Andro, feeling totally overwhelmed, anxious, and really nervous. I took another at home test the next morning, still positive, then went to my doctor's office to take yet another test, which came back positive. By that point, I had begun to adjust to the idea that I was going to be a mom but I can say, I really didn't start to get excited until the next day, when I told my mom.
We had plans to see my parents over Labor Day, so we took the opportunity to tell them in person. And I'm so glad that we found out when we did and were able to share our news face to face. Our flight got in late on Friday night, so I held off on saying anything until the next morning. I woke up early Saturday, totally unable to sleep, and at 6am told my mom, 'I'm pregnant.' Her genuine happiness and the immediate surge of love she had for the baby really got me excited about this little person.
My family has known since 4 weeks and I can honestly say, for me, it was not hard to keep the baby a secret. Andro has been dying to tell everyone, but I really wanted to make it to 12 weeks (heaven forbid something happen) before sharing our news. But, the moment we heard the heartbeat at our 12 week appointment, this past Wednesday, I felt like I was going to burst if I didn't let everyone know.
I'm so excited to meet this baby! It's amazing how much love I have for the baby already and I know nothing about this little person yet. We still have a long road--the baby is due May 12, 2010--but I am so excited and thrilled to be going through this experience with a supportive family and friends. I feel unbelievably blessed to be carrying our first child and can't wait to meet him/her! (I want to be surprised by the baby's gender and--much to Andro's chagrin--he is also going to be surprised, I told the doctor not to tell him because I know he won't be able to keep this a secret from me...)
AHHHHHH! As soon as the title of your post showed up in my reader I knew it! So exciting and so happy for you!
Yay! Can not believe that you will have the will poswer to wait 28 more wks to find out gender! I don't have the will power myself...too impatient! Congrats again to you both! I hope you are feeling well! I am sure you are glowing!!!!
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