On Wednesday we will officially be full term. Wow. I'm still feeling good for the most part, my rib cage had gotten ridiculously sore from the baby, but I think he must have dropped because I can breathe and am feeling much better.
Last week, at my 36 week appointment, the doctor realized that Isaac had had a MAJOR growth spurt. He went from measuring right on track to measuring 2 weeks ahead. I went in for an ultrasound on Saturday and they confirmed that he looks great (fluid levels are good, his heart and all his organs look good) and that he is just a big baby (their guess is that he is already between 6 1/2 and 7 lbs). To be honest, I'm really not surprised.
My brother and I were both 8lbs. 10oz. and my Dad was an 11 lb. baby. The smallest babies in my family were Tine and Tommy, the twins, who were born early and were still the size of most 'average' full-term babies.
What I did find surprising was that he has made no progress towards wanting to leave...at all. I'm heading to the doctor again this week on Thursday, it'll be interesting to see if he makes any progress this week and how big he grows in a week. I'm trying to adjust my thinking that maybe he'll decide to come early, but also prepare that we could still have a long wait ahead.
Monday, April 19, 2010
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I want to say Andro was only around 7 lbs and myself I was only6.5 lbs. Of course B was only 6.5 lbs and then A was only 5.5 lbs. All full term. Ultrasounds can be off up to 2 lbs each way. Can't wait to see if Isaac takes after the Dio side or Campbell side.
Wow your dad was a bruiser! My MIL was 12 lbs and now a petite 5'2! The babies in the Uncle Mike branch are notorious for being over 40 weeks. Matt was around an 8 pounder and Meg, Myself and Liv were all low 7s. Really hoping that mine will make its appearance before 41 weeks as doctor told me yesterday they will only let me go 7 days over because of the previous e c section. Will be waiting anxiously to hear the news of his arrival!!!
Kate, are you trying for VBAC?
Yes - I had previously decided on an elective section but the hospital I am attending has pretty good vbac rates (they vary around Ireland from 6% to 70%!) Also the hospital won't allow the baby in the recovery room with the mother after and I hate the thought of being separated from my little one. I also want to get baby latched on for feeding asap.
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