Thursday, August 26, 2010

So long blog!

You may have noticed that I have been blogging less and less and less. As a new mom, I'm super busy and barely have time to check and respond to my email, let alone blog. I'm blessed to have a great group of girlfriends (fellow mommies!) who keep me busy with playdates and am busy with getting Ike out of the house for walks and workout class (in between getting the house clean, taking care of the laundry, and making dinner).

But there is another reason too. While I have no problem talking about myself and Andro online, I find it difficult to put out anything about our sweet, innocent baby. I think we are just beginning to see the backlash from putting too much information about our lives online on facebook and blogs and websites. I'm an adult and can and will accept full responsibility for whatever I put online about myself. But Ike shouldn't have to worry in 10 or 20 years about what I said about him when he was tiny. I'm his Mama and need to shield and protect him from whatever I can as he grows up.

So this is a blog goodbye from the Dio's. If you want to know what we're up to, give us a call or come hang out with us.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Like all H-Drol products, the muscle gain is of less quality than the slower gains of other Prohormones.