Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Just a quick one--I'm going to try to post photos of "the bump" sometime soon (if I can find my camera, etc.). Yesterday, I had an appointment with the maternity center's nurses in the Lake Forest Hospital's Center for Women's Health. The appointment was fine, just a big class full of other preggos to get acquainted with the practice. Actually, I felt like an old hand, because while I was 15 weeks, most of the other girls were like 7-8 (I transferred from my first doctor after we moved, so had to do this class a little later than normal).

But the class was not for nothing. I didn't get to do a full tour yet, but it is my understanding that I will deliver in this building and let me just say WOW. I have never seen a more beautiful hospital. Andro and I are going in for a full tour the Sunday after Thanksgiving and I'm really excited to see it all.

The bump is getting bigger everyday (or at least it feels like it!). It feels like almost overnight I went from being able to zip and button my work pants to needing the belly band. And--after last Friday's jeans day at the office when I felt so restricted even with the belly band--I succumbed and bought some pregnancy jeans at Old Navy. It's hard to believe that I'm already 15 weeks pregnant. I still have a LONG road ahead of me, but I was just thinking the other day, by the time I see Mom and Dad for Christmas I'll be at 20 weeks and halfway there! Really exciting, can't wait to meet you Potsticker.

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