Thursday, January 7, 2010

It's a Boy!!!

I have to say, yesterday was probably the second best day of my life (after getting married to my wonderful husband, of course). We woke up early and headed to the doctor's office for our ultrasound. Yes, I know, I've been emphatic in my stance that I would not find out the baby's gender until the baby is born in May. But in my reading, I knew that by 22 weeks the baby's 'family jewels' are fully formed and was prepared to possibly be catching a glimpse. And what a glimpse! There was no doubt, Potsticker is in fact our little man Isaac.

I cried throughout the entire ultrasound, not bawling, hysterical sobs, but I couldn't stop the flow of tears. It was so truly amazing to see him! And to see him push against the placenta and kick me (now I know how to distinguish those 2 movements and he does them quite a bit). He is healthy and normal and--to my eyes--looks 100% perfect. I am totally blown away that Andro and I made a person.

Andro is very diplomatic and has not been saying one way or the other which gender he wants. We both just want a strong and healthy baby. But I have been wishing and hoping and praying that Potsticker is a boy and could not believe it when it was confirmed. Bring on the toy trucks, little league, and legos!


artyfeminist said...

WOW wonderful news!!!! This family needs a boy!!!! :)

Rachelle Dio said...

Thanks Kate! We're pretty thrilled--and it's definitely true. Isaac will have 3 girl cousins...

Starring Brooklyn and Alexis said...

umm, he is Andro's completely left out video games! i almost wouldn't be surprised if that was #1 on your son's interest list.